
Outraged that women still don't have equal constitutional protections? Yeah, so are we.

So, let’s dial the volume up and literally shout for the Equal Rights Amendment with a first of its kind petition that can be signed with your voice.

Scan this QR code, follow the prompts, and shout. You’ll get a signature badge to share on social along with #ShoutForEquality.

QR Code
Don’t feel like shouting? Sign the petition HERE!
  • Scan the QR Code and text ERA

  • Shout and get your signature badge (the louder the better)

  • Share your signature badge on social with #ShoutForEquality


Outraged that women still don't have equal constitutional protections? Yeah, so are we.

So, let’s dial the volume up and literally shout for the Equal Rights Amendment with a first of its kind petition that can be signed with your voice.

Tap to shout and follow the text prompts. You’ll get a signature badge to share on social along with #ShoutForEquality

Don’t feel like shouting? Sign the petition HERE!
  • Scan the QR Code and text ERA

  • Shout and get your signature badge (the louder the better)

  • Share your signature badge on social with #ShoutForEquality
